Welcome to our Adventure!

Al and I are thrilled that you have found your way to our blog. We hope you enjoy reading our journal and viewing our photographs of the natural wonder of our United States of America. Let's hit the road together!
Homer, Alaska

Saturday, November 13, 2010

An Ending, and the Beginning

Hello, and thanks for joining us. For those that don't know us, I'm Karen and Al is my husband, and we're going to be starting an incredible journey across the United States in March, 2011! We'll be traveling slowly, stopping to explore new areas as we travel, and doing a combination of workamping and volunteering as we go. Our home on wheels is a 2011 Keystone Cougar 327RES, towed by a 2008 Ford F450 DRW. I have a preliminary picture of it below, after we have towed it home here to Sag Harbor!
So far, our two dogs Chelsea and Casey like it very much :-).

A little bit about us: Al is 51, and I am 48. We have been married for 30 years, and have been in business for ourselves for the same amount of time, owning and operating a small, family dry cleaning plant in East Hampton. Whereas it's been a great business, after 30 years, we find ourselves ready to move on to a new phase in our lives. We've talked loose plans for a few years now, but a combination of events and circumstances this past year led to more serious discussions, planning, and "what if" scenarios, and the decision was made to make the leap. We put the business up for sale this fall, and in a divine stroke of providence, we had an offer on it. We feel the prospective owner is a good match for the area, and that my employees and my customers will be well taken care of. We couldn't be happier :-).

As for our future plans, for the long-term we want to see as much of this country as we can, for as long as we can :-).I personally hope to indulge in one of my favorite hobbies, photography.  We are staying here in Sag Harbor through the end of March, as Al finishes teaching his EMT courses. We will be getting the house refurbished and packed up in preparation for putting it on the market in the spring. Our tentative departure is set for March 26, 2011. We will be traveling south, stopping to visit family in Norfolk VA.,  and Hilton Head SC. on our way to Crystal River FL. to visit my parents. From there were are headed to the RV-Dreams rally in Sevierville TN. http://www.rv-dreams.com/rally.html. This is where we will meet and mingle with other people living and working their dreams. There are classes there for us to attend where we will learn about living on the road, maintaining our vehicles, and various safety issues. Then we are on our way to Michigan and our summer jobs at Waldenwoods Camp Resort.  

So, that's about it for now. I'll check in with musings and updates over the next few weeks until we actually get on the road. Then you may have to put up with my writings more often :-). I hope to improve both my writings and photography as I have the time to work on it more. I hope you enjoy following us, and we welcome any and all comments, ideas and tips on things to see and do!

As my favorite quote says, :Like what you do. Do what you like!" Life, indeed, is Good :-)


  1. I know you guys are gonna have the time of your lives. Enjoy cause you deserve it.

  2. Karen and Albert,

    Bill and I are delighted for you guys. We would like to wish you both all the best in your new endeavors and know that we'll be thinking of you. A good friend of mine once told me that "This is not a dress rehearsal so live it to the fullest. Life is too short."
    Be sure to stop by whenever you are in our area. We look forward to hearing about all your exciting adventures. Denise and Bill P.S. I like your favorite quote and thought I'd send along mine which is "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today".

  3. Your blog is terrific! What you are doing is like a dream come true...I know you will enjoy traveling thru this beautiful country of ours. We will be following you and enjoying your running comments. Good luck and safe travels!

  4. Just found your blog from the RV-Dreams forum and am excited to follow you from the beginning. These next few months will fly by. Looking forward to meeting you at the rally.
