Welcome to our Adventure!

Al and I are thrilled that you have found your way to our blog. We hope you enjoy reading our journal and viewing our photographs of the natural wonder of our United States of America. Let's hit the road together!
Homer, Alaska

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Need I Say More?

Beautiful night on the Harbor...

Dining room on the dock....

Mile high fried shrimp....

fresh steamers....

Down East Lobster bake!


  1. OMG.... seafood heaven. I don't know what I want to eat first. We're on our way. Save some for us.

  2. Oh my that lobster is just begging to be melting in my mouth!

  3. We'll be right there! Where's that good pizza place? Gotta have a well balanced diet, doncha know.

  4. I am thinking it does not really get better than that.
