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Homer, Alaska

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sad Times

It has been a while since I've posted anything, since we arrived in Kentucky actually. I've alluded to some family issues going on, but don't really like to post such personal issues. My mom has been in poor health for quite some time now, many years in fact, but things became worse this past summer. Since the end of June she had been in and out of the hospital, bouncing between different hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers in the quest to get her myriad of medical issues under control. The most pressing of these was the need to go on dialysis, which we had been fighting against for several years, but her kidney function lowered to such a degree that it finally became a necessity. She was never able to adjust well to the dialysis, and it also caused several of her other medical conditions to go haywire on her. After battling these past several months, my mom has lost her fight and passed away peacefully yesterday morning.

Luckily, I, along with Al and my brother and sister, were able to get down to Florida in time to see her while she was still conscious and knew we were there. I cannot say enough good things about HPH Hospice in Lecanto Florida. The people who work and volunteer there deserve a special place in heaven for their caring and compassion. They certainly made my mom's last days peaceful and comfortable, as well as being there to help the family through the process, especially my sister who stayed with her until the end.

I will always appreciate everything everyone has done to help this past summer. Al's sister Ginny and our best friend Patti went above and beyond duty in assisting her, visiting her and running endless errands. Their assistance and ability to be my "eyes" were priceless.  My employers Brad and Joann for allowing me unrestricted access to the landline phone at the ranch to call hospitals and doctors as my ATT cell service was basically useless. Mom's friends from her community for visiting her and helping her get to a few appointments, and collecting her mail. And finally my sister Amy, who was willing and able to put her life on hold to give mom comfort and company her last days. Mom was blessed to have all of you in her life, as am I.


  1. Condolences to you and your family from Australia. Lesalp.blogspot.com.au

  2. We are so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. :'( Thinking of you in these sad days.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. Know she is in a peaceful place. Hugs to you and your family.

  4. Our condolences to you and your family. Glad you and Al were able to get back to Florida. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  5. I am so sorry Karen. Losing one's mother is a rough road I know from experience. My thoughts are with you and your family. I am so glad you were able to see her.

  6. Our deepest condolences to you and your family.

  7. So very sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom, our thoughts are with you and your family.

  8. So sorry for your loss, our condolences to you and your family.

  9. We are very sorry to hear about your loss. We recall you writing that your mom was having medical issues but we didn't think it would come to this so soon.

    It's about time.

  10. Karen, we are so sorry for your loss. Our condolences to your entire family.

  11. My deepest condolences to you and your entire family. It's a very hard thing to lose your mother.

  12. We are so sorry. May you feel God's love and strength during this difficult time. You are blessed to have close friends and family.

  13. Karen and Al, we are sorry to hear of your mom's passing, but thankful you could spend some time with her last month. From personal experience, losing a mom is very difficult. Cherish the memories and know that she is watching over you and your sister. Hugs to you both!

  14. Our condolences are with you,Karen.

  15. Karen, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Selene & Hank

  16. so sorry to here about your Mom. My Dad had dialysis 3 times per week for a few years before he passed away, tough course of treatment for sure. We are thinking about you both, stay safe and know your Mom's pain and illness' are gone now. Hope to see you guys next summer. P&R

  17. So sorry to hear the sad news. May friends and family make this trying time a bit smoother.

  18. Very sorry for your loss. Please pass on our condolences to your family.

  19. We're so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is so difficult to bear. Blessings to you and your family.

  20. Bill and I are so very sorry to hear about your Mom. You have our deepest sympathies <3 Glad you have help during this sad time <3

  21. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  22. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  23. Sending our prayers, Karen, but glad that you were able to be with her at the end and that it was peaceful for her.

  24. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts are with you & your family.

  25. Our condolences to you all. Mums are meant to be with us forever. Sigh. Xx
