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Al and I are thrilled that you have found your way to our blog. We hope you enjoy reading our journal and viewing our photographs of the natural wonder of our United States of America. Let's hit the road together!
Homer, Alaska

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pumping Along

Al stayed in a normal sinus rhythm all day, and the pulse rate has dropped to a much more normal rate of 80/minute. They did maintain him on IV meds until about 7PM tonight, at which time they suspended the IV meds and started oral medication. So we are progressing.

He "almost" got to see a cardiologist tonight! He was on the floor. Al's nurse spotted him coming, and then he received a call to go to the ER for an emergency. Valiant Jeff (the nurse) chased him down to get the orders for the oral meds. So far, the nurses have been the best. His night nurse told him it's not uncommon for the cardiologist to come even as late as 11PM, but if he doesn't, she will be on the phone at 6AM pushing for some answers. We want to know the game plan for discharge and follow-up care, and definitely don't want to stay another night if its not necessary. Being a Monday should help matters, I think. Its time to start being a big mouth, I guess, although we both hate to be that way.

So, I sincerely hope that tomorrow night I'll be able to post that he's home! Won't Casey and Chelsea be happy about that...they're really wondering where their dad has been :-).

Thanks everyone for all the prayers, it really helps. Oh, and I also received a note from our manager at Bar Harbor saying they will definitely work with us on our start date and hope he is feeling better real  soon...good to know :-). I really need to get back to work now!


  1. Good news all around...hope tomorrow is even better!

  2. Glad it is still going well. Sometimes it is necessary to be pushy to get some attention!

  3. This is such good news, and know it must be an added relief that the manager at Bar Harbor is understanding of the situation.

  4. You're moving in the right direction! Glad you heard from Bar Harbor. I know that takes a load off your mind!

  5. Great News! We hope this positive momentum continues!

  6. Hope the sunrise brings the Cardiologist to your room;o)) Sounds like everything is moving forward!!!

  7. Great news- so glad to hear he is doing better.

  8. Good news - I bet you will be on the way north soon!

  9. I am so glad to hear that things are getting more 'normal'. I know the Bar Harbor people would rather have you there late, than not at all!

  10. Glad to hear things are better. Hope you can get the doctor into the room. I wouldn't have their job for the world. Your spirits sound good and that's important.
